Chabad of Valley Stream is one of New York's most unorthodox Orthodox Synagogues - a popular center for Jews of all backgrounds who want to learn more about their Jewish roots. Chabad offers a wide variety of educational and spiritual opportunities, including Torah classes and lectures, Shabbaton dinners, and an array of family and social activities. Traditional Jewish values are brought to life in a joyous, non-judgmental atmosphere.

Chabad is under the spiritual guidance of Rabbi Yitzchak Goldshmid; a warm, caring and energetic individual. The rabbi's approach is that Torah must be presented and experienced in a modern, relevant context and made available to each individual on their own level. Rabbi Goldshmid and his wife Itty are emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of righteous memory.

The services are traditional, and are conducted in a joyous, casual atmosphere. Children are included and most welcome. Many of those who attend cannot read Hebrew, yet everyone feels at home. The prayer book is bilingual and various English readings are included in the service. Song and commentary add meaning and participation to the prayers.

An important part of our community is the weekly Kiddush Luncheon that follows the Shabbat morning services, where friendships are created and nurtured and we celebrate each other's happy occasions and anniversaries.

For more information or to arrange a meeting with the Rabbi, please call: 516-825-5566